Got Out of the House

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yesterday I went to Super Store to stock up on Udder cream. I’m really going through a lot it so I picked up a tub and a jumbo tube. I’m now moisturizing my feet twice a day and they are feeling and looking so much better. I also drove over to a medical supply store to pick up some Kinesio Tex Tape ... I apply this tape on my hand and forearm to help move the lymphedema fluid out of my in my hand. I think its working.

I then asked the clerk what they had for dressing to apply to fingers and toes. She showed me a roll of tubular gauze. You just cut off the amount you need for your size of finger or toe and roll it on.

My daily moisturizing ritual is to put a big dollop of cream on gauze squares, put it on my big toe and then pull the tubular gauze on. A little medical tape to hold it in place and I’m good to go. Pretty slick.

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